Vážení partneři,
Situace na globální scéně není jednoduchá. Přesto jsme dostali ujištění z naší mateřské společnosti, že jsou připraveni udržet výrobu. Zároveň jsme dostatečně předzásobeni materiálem pro výrobu dalších nástrojů i v případě, kdy by naši dodavatelé vypadli. Níže Vám posíláme aktuální oficiální vyjádření našeho nejvyššího managementu.
Současně vás chceme ujistit, že jsme stále dostupni obvyklým způsobem, tj. na telefonních číslech nebo emailech.
Dear EMUGE-FRANKEN employees in Germany and all over the world,
dear EMUGE-FRANKEN sales partners,
as in many countries of the world, also in Germany more and more precautionary measures concerning the Corona pandemic are taken with the aim of enhancing the spread of the virus and protecting the health of the general population.
Daily new measures are decided by the government and our company implements those measures as soon as practical. There is one thought behind all our decisions: the health protection!
Until now, the regulations of the authorities shall avoid a standstill of the economic life. We, the group EMUGE-FRANKEN, have set ourselves this goal and e.g. we created home offices or spatial team separation in different departments. Ensuring business continuity we decided to avoid overreactions.
From today’s point of view our production in Lauf and Rückersdorf, will continue. We have sufficient stock levels of raw materials and means of production. Our shipping companies have confirmed the further supplying of our customers all over the world. However, in view of the dynamics of this process, this is only a snapshot with a short time horizon, as you will understand. If radical changes with regard to delivery capacity arise in the future, we will inform you again.
The employees in our German plants can find changes in the working environment on the same day on the notice boards.
We wish you and your families good health and the sufficient calm a crisis of this magnitude calls for.